
  • 55 minute appointment | $195

  • Diagnostic Assessment | $240

  • 30-minute consultation | Free

I accept the following insurances:

* Aetna
* PacificSource
* Providence
* Samaritan Health
* OHP CareOregon

Out-Of-Network - If you don’t see your insurance listed above, I can provide a “superbill” for you to submit to your insurance carrier for reimbursement if your plan offers out-of-network benefits. You would pay my full rate at the time of our session. If you have questions about using out-of-network benefits, please contact your insurance carrier directly.

Self-Pay - I accept all major credit cards. Many clients are able to use their Flexible Spending Account or Health Savings Account as well. With self-pay, you have the right to request a “Good Faith Estimate” which is an estimate of expected charges for psychotherapy services before scheduling your first session. For questions or more information about your right to a Good Faith Estimate, visit www.cms.gov/nosurprises

Sliding Scale - I can offer a limited number of clients a sliding scale. Financial resources are often a determining factor in someone’s ability to access care. I have a commitment to serving individuals and communities that would otherwise not be able to afford my services. Know that you are paying it forward when my full rate is within your means. For a sliding scale to work, it relies on the principles of truthfulness and a sense of accountability to community. I do not ask for income verification and I trust my clients to appropriately assess what they can afford.